Saturday, January 17, 2009

The World I Imagine- review

About the Book (from

Peace and poverty cannot coexist. Peace is not merely the absence of conflict. Establishing and maintaining peace will take far more creativity, dedication, and hard work than war ever did. True peace would be much cheaper and far less traumatic than any war, but, to date, no one has been able to pull it off.

The essays in this collection introduce creative ideas for ending poverty everywhere, in the hope that humans can finally build a truly peaceful society where everyone enjoys at least the basic benefits of prosperity, for the first time in history.

You can read more about the book and the author on her website.


I resonated with a lot of Jordan's ideas and I think if we all followed her plan we'd be a lot happier! However I do think she missed one HUGE key component- God. Add God to the picture and her plan would be great! I found the book easy to read and understand. It is packed full of idealism and I think we need a little of that in this world!

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